Friday, December 10, 2004

No Glaus; Please no Alou

Disappointed to lose Glaus, but he was a bit pricey anyhow. Not sure I buy paying a position player $12 mil -- or lets' say $10 mil more than an Olerud in regards to what they bring to the table; vs. pitchers who get less than $10 per and are years ahead of the replacement pitcher who fits in -- particularly in terms of speed and "stuff" in some instances. Not to mention that the Mets have always been and will always be -- thanks to Shea -- a pitching and defense team. Ideal fit would be signing of Olerud and trading for Nick Johnson.

Please lay off Alou. He's been bad before, and I'm confident that as a Met, he will no doubt be bad again and age real quickly. I'm liking Victor Diaz more and more nowadays, and assuming we don't end up with Beltran, not sure where we should go in the OF, though I'm hearing that Austin Kearns may be available; and if we could package Floyd and a bag of peanuts for something in return, I'd much rather give these guys half as much money to grow their expertise; rather than pay out the nose to see guys on the decline.


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